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Dr. Todd Otanicar |
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tulsa | Group website |
OKPVRI Member | Email: |
Dr. Otanicar investigates nanoscale heat and energy transport with a particular emphasis on application to energy generation, utilization, and storage. He is one of the leading researchers in the field of nanoparticles for solar thermal energy applications and pioneered the idea of using nanoparticle as spectrally selective absorbers for hybrid solar thermal/photovoltaic systems. His research has been funded by ARPA-E, NSF, NASA and NREL.
Recent Publications
- Otanicar T, DeJarnette D, Brekke N, Tunkara E, Roberts K, and Harikumar P, “Full spectrum collection of concentrated solar energy using PV coupled with selective filtration utilizing nanoparticles,” MRS Advances, 2016.
- Taylor RA, Hewakuruppu Y, DeJarnette D, Otanicar TP, “Comparison of selective transmitters for solar thermal applications,” Applied Optics 55, 2016.
- DeJarnette D, Tunkara E, Brekke N, Otanicar TP, Roberts K, “Nanoparticle enhanced spectral filtration of insolation from trough concentrators,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 149, 2016.
- Brekke N, Otanicar TP, DeJarnette D, Orosz M, “A Parametric Investigation of a Concentrating PV/T System with Spectral Filtering Utilizing a 2-D Heat Transfer Model,” ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 2016.
- DeJarnette D, Otanicar T, Brekke N, Hari P, Roberts K, “Selective spectral filtration with nanoparticles for concentrating solar collectors,” Journal of Photonics for Energy 5(1), 2015.
Recent Presentations
- Otanicar T, “Assesing the Potential of Abandoned Oil Wells for Thermal Energy Storage,” First Pacific-Rim Thermal Engineering Conference, Kailua, Hawaii, 2016.
- Brekke N, Otanicar T, DeJarnette D, Orosz M, “Optimal Design of a Hybrid PV/T with Nanoparticle Based Spectral Filtering Utilizing a 2—D Heat Transfer Model,” First Pacific-Rim Thermal Engineering Conference, Kailua, Hawaii, 2016.
- Hoyt J, Otanicar T, Smith K, Brekke N, “Experimental Testing and Modeling of Benchtop Hybrid PV/T system using selective nanoparticles,” First Pacific-Rim Thermal Engineering Conference, Kailua, Hawaii, 2016.
- DeJarnette D, Otanicar T, Tunkara E, Roberts K, Saunders A, Muni M, “High Temperature Stability and Optical Measurements of Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Energy Conversion,” MRS Fall Meeting 2015, Boston, MA, 2015.
- Taylor RA, Hewarkuruppu Y, DeJarnette D, Otanicar TP, “Fabrication and Comparison of Selective, Transparent Optics for Concentrating Solar Systems,” SPIE Optics + Photonics for Sustainable Energy, San Diego, CA, 2015.
Student Information
Current Graduate Students: 5 Maryam Fahar, Steven Trimble, Nick Brekke, Ebrima Tunkara, and John Dale
Current Undergraduate Students: 3 Kirk Smith, Alex Burbee, and Bryan Kinzer